Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ken Yirbu

In 1978, Yael was one of the participants at my 6th birthday party. It was held in my backyard, and we had cake and ginger ale, and everyone got a balloon in the shape of a girl. I wore my fancy long white dress with red polka-dots and white ruffles. The backyard location was lucky, because I was the first to taste the apple juice, and discovered that my mother had, by mistake, bought apple cider vinegar instead - and I spit it right out!

Thirty years later, I celebrated my 36th birthday at the new Italian place on Emek Refaim Street in Jerusalem, Luchana. On the table were the "Luchana Salad" with pasta, grilled veggies, lettuce, mozzarella, and salmon; a peppardella dish with cream sauce; and one serving of a chocolate mousse cake (with a sparkler in it!). I wore clothes I'd paid for myself, and we were offered wine. The participants were my former roommate Penina . . . and Yael.

As Penina said, I hope Yael and I will celebrate my 66th together, in another 30 years!

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