Just Saying "Hi."
Nothing much new to report.
Sandy and Mark T. came to Israel and took me out to dinner at Tmol Shilshom. I love that place, and I love Sandy and Mark! It was really great to see them.
My mom is really busy with doctors appointments and stuff, and her arm is not really so functional, but her voice sounds good on the phone. You can always tell from someone's voice (well, usually), and she sounds a lot better.
I've been feeling very "under the weather" lately myself. No fever, just tired all the time. Not sure what it is. Maybe iron deficiency?
The summer issue(s) of the kids' magazine I've been working on has gone to print, and I'm quite proud of it. If you want to see a pdf file, send me an email letting me know if you want to see the one for grades 4-7, or 8-12. I can only send it to people I know personally and long-time commenters, as it's not for any commercial use - just for you to see and enjoy yourself. You have to promise to read it and then tear it up and eat the pieces. :-) Now on to the fall issues . . . after which point the woman I'm covering for (who is on maternity leave) may come back. Or maybe not. We'll see. She had twins.
I was interviewed by a Dutch magazine, also for kids, about my thoughts on Israel's re-entering Gaza. Yes, I followed my own advice and made the reporter promise to call me before it went to print, reading back my quotations to me (which he did). I understand that he interviewed Lisa and David as well (and quoted them much more than he did me!), as well as a few Palestinians. I hope it comes out alright. The reporter sounded decent about it on the phone. But, you know, I don't trust reporters. ::insert ironic smile::
My first cousin got (or is getting? not sure) a Ph.D. in molecular biology, and he recently accepted a job at some prestigious fancy-pants lab where he'll be working alongside some Nobel prize winners. Way to go, cousin! We're all very proud of you!
My alma mater, Nishmat, is moving to the Pat (pronounced paht) neighborhood, which is only a 40-minute or so walk from me! I'm very excited about that. B'H, I'll be registering to learn there next year, for 6 hours a week (2 mornings, 3 hours each time). I really enjoyed learning at Pardes this past year, but the class I'd be in next year there is 13 hours a week, and I just can't devote that kind of time from my work. Plus, the atmosphere at Nishmat is different, and a change of scenery would be good for me. What scares me is that if I go there, I'll be studying Gemara in a class full of Israelis, and the lecture will be in Hebrew. Yup, I'll be trying to understand a text in Aramaic, with explanations and discussions in Hebrew. I'm petrified. But also excited. This will be great!
Well, I guess I did have stuff to report, eh?
To all my readers: Have a wonderful weekend.
To all my readers for whom this is meaningful: Have a Shabbat shalom.
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